Chris was such an incredible person, super friendly and so positive all the time. I had the privilege of working with him for 3 years on ice shelves during his NPP PostDoc at JPL. We were all sitting in building 79 offices, inside a SCIF (secure communication bunker), and the feeling of camaraderie we all had was incredible. These were some amazing year,s seeing him coming up with great/unique science approaches/discoveries and listening to his incredible outdoor stories and his great jokes. He was sitting in the back of this bunker we were all in, and his presence was always calming for the whole team. I would poke my head from time to time and see all the equations he had written and that were pinned on posters in his cubicle. His science achievements in Cryosphere will resonate for a long time, his impact on fracture mechanics applied to the stability of ice shelves is unique and in my mind still unmatched to this day.
My thoughts and prayers go to your family Chris, and your friends. Wherever you are I'm sure you are already exploring and pushing new boundaries.
Eric Larour